Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bpai America prongnee kah!

"You, you, farang! Hello! :)" Oh how I'll miss the friendly greetings. Oh how I'll miss many things about this place. 

It's not easy to leave this beautiful country. But if change was easy, more things would change. I learn so much from change.  I've learned so much from my experience living abroad. I will always have my knowledge no matter where I live. 

I hope Thailand stays the beautiful country it is so when I come back (date unknown), it will still be awesome! Unfortunately the disgusting, stomach-hurting McDonalds I ate last night in Nakhon tell me the times are a changing. Oh Thailand, please stay a happy, loving and sharing beautiful place full of beautiful people. 

For now, it's time for new adventures in the life of Jenny! See you my friends somewhere in this small world. As for Thailand, I will be back someday! 

My happy, giving friends on Songkran!